Natural Healing Gems

February 2024 Monthly Astrology Forecast

Planetary TransitsApril BleckComment

January has come and gone and February brings a new dawn. This month offers transformation, mental sharpness, and possibly a breath of fresh air. There will be a total of 5 planets in the sign of Aquarius this month, and they will all be required to pass in front of Pluto, whom just entered the sign last month. Personal growth is on the horizon!

2/4: Mercury enters Aquarius - Mercury in Aquarius provides a time of learning, mental clarity, quick thinking, and β€œout of the box” thinking. This transit encourages us to be more open-minded and original. It’s a time for taking on mental challenges and discovering abnormal solutions.

2/9: New Moon in Aquarius - Radical new beginnings, personal evolution, and humanitarian efforts go a long way under this new moon. Challenge yourself to become more flexible and versatile during this moon phase, it can bring benefits and awareness of action in the future.

2/12: Mars enters Aquarius - Mars, the planet of action will be pushing for freedom, liberation, and individuality. This energy encourages us to be more assertive and take bold actions. Rebelliousness and a detached style come to play. This can cause challenges with others and things could be taken too far. This energy is best used for humanitarian transformations.

2/16: Venus enters Aquarius - Love, relationships, finances, and self-care take center stage. These areas of life become unpredictable and unconventional. Attraction to the unusual and unknown is highlighted, and intellectual connections are admired. Venus in Aquarius brings forward thinking and unusual visuals for relationships and finances. It encourages us to explore friendships, purchase electronics, invest in new companies, and stand up for social causes.

2/20: Sun enters Pisces - The sun in Pisces colors the atmosphere with compassion, imagination, ethereal connections, sensitivity, and escapism. We identify and relate to others more easily and helping those in need comes from the heart. This is a good month for artistic expression, appreciation of music and art, and dream-work.

2/23 Mercury enters Pisces - Three days after the sun entered Pisces, here comes Mercury. This brings a shift in our thinking and communication. Mercury in Pisces aligns with intuition, creativity, and the imagination. This is an amazing time for art, music, creativity, and deep introspection. Pisces tends to bend and blur the lines, so beware of illusion and confusion. Enjoy this beautiful energy, but don’t get swept away in delusion.

2/24: Full moon in Virgo - Full moons bring culmination, endings, and ultimately new beginnings. Something in our life have become full and is ready for harvest. One must appreciate what was in order to attract what is to be. Use this day for gratitude, honor, balance, and release.