Agate * Amazonite * Amber * Amethyst * Ametrine * Apache Tears * Aragonite * Aquamarine * Aventurine * Azurite * Bloodstone * Bronzite
Keywords: Grounding, Balance, Harmony, Inner-Strength, Solutions, Stability, Communication.
Agate has a slow and steady energy vibration that gradually couples with the wearer. It should be used or worn for at least 2 weeks. This gemstone is available in many colors including brown, black, white, purple, green, blue, red, and pink. The color of each gemstone directly relates to chakra healing.
Agate gemstones are slow, steady, strong, and consistent. These healing gems bring stability into your life that helps you feel grounded and well balanced. Agate harmonizes yin and yang energy, (the positive and negative, the male and female, the inner and outer), by promoting wholeness, inner-strength, self-acceptance, and confidence. It encourages self analysis and activates communication. Natural agate gemstones boost mental abilities such as perception, memory recall, analytics, and concentration. They promote practical solutions and aid in creative contemplation and spiritual growth. These gemstones help one overcome insecurity, anger, and negativity. They inspire peace, love, and courage for new beginnings.
"Agates are grounding stones, bringing about an emotional, physical, and intellectual balance. They aid in centering and stabilizing physical energy." [Hall, 39] Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003).
Agate Emotional Healing (Keywords)
Encourages: Peace, Love, Courage, Self-Acceptance, Inner-Strength, and Emotional Balance.
Dissolves: Anger, Negativity, Tantrums, Internal Tension, and Insecurities.
Agate Mental Healing (Keywords)
Boosts: Memory Recall, Analytics, Concentration, Creativity, Communication, and Perception.
Agate Physical Healing (Keywords)
Gastritis, Eye Issues, Stomach Problems, Uterus, Lymph Nodes, Pancreas, Blood Vessels, and Skin Disorders.
Types of Agate:
Botswana Agate, Blue Lace Agate, Tree Agate, Fire Agate, Moss Agate, Crazy Lace Agate, Crackle Agate, Pink Agate, Snakeskin Agate, Green Agate, Carnelian Agate. Gray Agate, Red Agate, Yellow Agate, White Agate,
Keywords: Integrity, Courage, Communication, Prosperity, Opportunity, Business.
Amazonite has a soothing vibration that dispels aggravation and resolves inner conflict.
Amazonite is a stone of integrity. This empowering gemstone encourages you to search for your own truths, in order to develop a sense of integrity. It strengthens your ability to set boundaries with others and instills courage for standing up for what you believe in. Amazonite calms emotions and alleviates feelings of worry, fear, and doubt. It filters information received in the brain and combines it with intuition, allowing for freedom of expression.
This is an extremely soothing stone. It calms the brain and nervous system and aligns the physical body with the etheric, maintaining optimal health. It balances the masculine and feminine energies and many aspects of the personality. [Hall, 50] Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003).
Amazonite rejuvenates the Heart and Throat Chakras. This is a stone of emotional courage, harmony, and balance. It broadens ones perspective and allows them to see both sides of a situation. This is an excellent gemstone for those who have gone through emotional trauma, it aids in overcoming loneliness, brings equality to partnerships, and allows for open and honest communication.
Amazonite is a Stone of Prosperity. In business, it attracts new customers and assists one in being in the right place at the right time, being open for opportunities and growth.
Amazonite Emotional Healing (Keywords)
Soothes, Calms, Brings Emotional Balance, Courage, Confidence, Alleviates: Fear, Worry, and Doubt.
Amazonite Mental Healing (Keywords)
Empowering, Encouraging, Strengthens Intuition, Communication, Clarity, Self-Expression.
Amazonite Physical Healing (Keywords)
Osteoporosis, Tooth Decay, Calcium Deficiency, Metabolism, Muscle Spasms, Protection from Electromagnetic Smog and Pollution, Absorbs Microwave and cell phone emanations.
Amber: stone of courage and protection
Chakras: Solar Plexus, Sacral
Zodiac: Leo, Aquarius, Sagittarius
Keywords: Courage, Protection, Self-Healing, Peace, Trust, Altruism, and Wisdom.
Amber is not a true gemstone, this organic matter forms from tree resin that has been fossilized for over a million years. It is a powerful protector and healer.
Amber is a stone of courage and protection. This powerful, yet gentle grounding stone draws out negative energy and blockages. It transforms this energy into positive forces that allow the body to heal itself. Amber purifies the Chakras, as well as the surrounding environment.
This gemstone is perfect for eliminating fear, stress, and depression. Amber stimulates creativity and encourages an optimistic outlook. It promotes emotional stability and clears negative thoughts. This is an ancient gem that provides courage and protection. It empowers you with motivation toward achieving goals.
Amber is a natural purifier, esteemed for its ability to draw pain and dis-ease from the physical body, as well as the mind and spirit, by absorbing negative or stagnant energies and transforming them into clear, positive energy. This stimulates the body’s own mechanisms to heal itself. It increases vitality and aids tissue regeneration. Amber is ideal for cleansing and reactivating the chakras, particularly the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras, and is an excellent tool for clearing the environment in which it rests. It emits a bright, soothing energy conducive to health and well-being, and is marvelous for convalescence, ameliorating depression, or working through the grieving process. Amber also provides a protective shield against negative energies and may be called upon to remove toxicity from one’s life or relationships. [Melody, 107-108] Melody, Love Is In The Earth (Wheat Ridge, CO: Earth-Love Publishing House, 1995). [Hall, 26] Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003). [Ahsian, 24] Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007). [Raphaell, 136-137] Katrina Raphaell, Crystal Enlightenment (Santa Fe, NM: Aurora Press, 1985)
Amber Emotional Healing (Keywords)
Clears Negative Thinking, Promotes Positivity, Optimism, Harmony, Self-Expression, Confidence, Alleviates: Depression, Stress, Fear, Doubt, and Worry.
Amber Mental Healing (Keywords)
Memory Retention, Learning Abilities, Dissolves Opposition, Encourages Integration, Promotes Decision-Making, Brings Clarity, Builds Patience and Understanding, Wisdom, and Creativity.
Amber Physical Healing (Keywords)
Detox, Liver, Kidneys, Spleen, Bladder, Stomach, Laryngitis, Goiter, Physical Pain, Headaches, Throat, Gallbladder, Strengthens Mucus Membranes, and Heals Wounds.
Keywords: Calms Emotions, Soothes, Enlightens, Stimulates Serenity, Insight, and Peace.
Amethyst purifies the mind, improves motivation and enhances intuition. These purple crystals alleviate sadness and grief, they promote emotional balance, confidence, bonding, and improve decision-making.
Amethyst is a stone of spirituality. This healing crystal has a powerful and protective vibration that blocks negative energy, calms scattered thinking, eases stress, and puts overindulgence to rest. Amethyst gemstones aid in overcoming addictions and encourage selflessness through a higher state of consciousness. They calm anxiety and stimulate the mind, bringing deep understanding and heightened spiritual insight. Amethyst healing stabilizes mood swings and discomfort, it creates serenity within the environment and opens the gate for spiritual growth.
This stone brings protection from recurrent nightmares, night terrors, and restlessness. Amethyst is a wonderful gemstone to place in your child's bedroom, as it will ensure restful sleep and helps to stabilize the child if he/she awakens in a fearful state.
Amethyst Emotional Healing (Keywords)
Calms, Comforts, Soothes, Brings Emotional Balance, Confidence, Peace. Alleviates: Depression, Rage, Tension, Anger, Fear, and Grief.
Amethyst Mental Healing (Keywords)
Improves: Communication, Awareness, Focus, Decision-Making, Memory, and Motivation. Protects from Nightmares and Mental Conditions.
Amethyst Physical Healing (Keywords)
Improves: Acne, Blood Disease, Burns, Cancer, Circulation, Color Blindness, Detox, Digestion, Drunkenness, Emphysema, Heart Conditions, Immune System, Infections, Insomnia, Lungs, Metabolism, Oedema, Water Retention, Parkinson's Disease, Panic Attacks, Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland, Scalds, Skin Conditions, and Tumors.
Keywords: Joy, Happiness, Healing, Optimism, Creativity, Confidence, Spirituality
Ametrine is a stone of jubilant joy. This divine gemstone brings guidance by bridging a connection between the physical and spiritual realms. This is an excellent stress-relieving stone that promotes optimism, happiness, emotional and physical healing, and joyfulness. Ametrine brings harmony, it alleviates negative energy caused by mental dissatisfaction, depression, and anxiety.
This blended stone consists of Amethyst and Citrine, two celestial gems that work together to sooth the spirit and lift your mood. Ametrine promotes confidence, creativity, decision-making, mental clarity, and spiritual transformation. It encourages you to reach your full potential as a spiritually connected individual.
Ametrine Emotional Healing (Keywords)
Soothing, Uplifting, Happy, Satisfaction, Cheerful, Relieves Anxiety and Depression, Encouraging.
Ametrine Mental Healing (Keywords)
Clarity, Decision-Making, Confidence, Awareness, Balance, Acceptance, Concentration, Insight, Focus
Ametrine Physical Healing (Keywords)
Alzheimer's, AIDS, HIV, Immune System, Fatigue, Headache, Metabolism, Jaundice, Ulcers, and Circulation.
Keywords: Courage, Communication, Love, Creativity, Awareness, Intuition, Spirituality.
This healing gemstone has a calm energy vibration that enhances clarity in thought, reduces stress, and quiets the mind. The energy from Aquamarine provides space for spiritual growth, it has an affinity with sensitive people.
Aquamarine is a stone of courage. This enticing crystal harmonizes the soul with it's dreams and desires. It protects against pollutants and counteracts against forces of darkness. This courageous gemstone alleviates the need to judge and be judged. It eases tension and feelings of being overwhelmed with responsibilities. This crystal encourages an upright, persistent, and dynamic personality. Aquamarine promotes self love, self care, creativity, and inner vision.
Aquamarine healing calms fears, sharpens the intellect, and clears confusion and dis-order. It encourages one to bring unfinished business to a conclusion. If you are planning something great and need a boost of encouragement, Aquamarine will support you in taking the next step.
Associated with the Throat chakra, Aquamarine helps overcome the fear of speaking, and is an excellent stone for teachers and presenters of all types. It relaxes speakers to a stage of consciousness in which they are fully aware of their own truths, wisdom and feelings, and able to articulate them with clarity and conviction. It also allows one to speak clearly and without anger in difficult situations. [Simmons, 49] Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007).
Use this healing gemstone for meditation, it sharpens ones intuition and activates clairvoyance. You are likely to reach higher states of consciousness and spiritual awareness with Aquamarine.
Aquamarine Emotional Healing (Keywords)
Love, Compassion, Understanding, Courage, Communication. Alleviates: Anger, Fear, and Emotional Baggage.
Aquamarine Mental Healing (Keywords)
Empowerment, Forgiveness, Reflection, Boundaries, Clears Confusion, Insight, Intuition, and Self-Awareness.
Aquamarine Physical Healing (Keywords)
Improves function of the lungs; Heals sinuses, hay fever, and allergies; Relieves bronchitis; Heals infections such as strep throat and laryngitis; Heals the pituitary and thyroid glands; Benefits teeth and gums; Soothes eczema, hives, and psoriasis; Calms nerves.
Keywords: Opportunity, Abundance, Success, Luck, Optimism, Manifest, Perception.
Aventurine gemstones attract wealth, abundance, prosperity, and luck into your life. This is a stone of opportunity. It’s known as one of the "luckiest" gems to have, especially when it comes to manifesting wealth and abundance. Green Aventurine promotes feelings of well-being and positivity, it calms negative emotions and heightens ones ability to become quickly aware of current opportunities.
Green Aventurine protects the Heart Chakra, it encourages a continuos flow of love. It defuses negative situations and turns them around, revealing leadership qualities buried within. Compassion and empathy are greatly enhanced with this gemstone, as well as clarity in perception, and your ability to express creativity. The energy from Aventurine vibrates with optimism, confidence, creativity, and awareness. It balances emotional and intellectual abilities, while calming feelings of irritation, frustration, and anger.
This beautiful stone, however, is not merely an attractor of luck, but one that aligns conditions so “opportunity” is inevitable. Green Aventurine releases old patterns, habits and disappointments so new growth can take place. It brings optimism and a zest for life, allowing one to move forward with confidence and to embrace change. It enhances one’s creativity and motivation, and encourages perseverance in maneuvering life’s obstacles. It also reinforces one’s decisiveness and amplifies leadership qualities, injecting a sense of humor and openness to the ideas of others. [Simmons, 55] Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007).[Melody, 136] Melody, Love Is In The Earth (Wheat Ridge, CO: Earth-Love Publishing House, 1995).[Hall, 73-74] Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003).
Green Aventurine is a prosperous gemstone for those who are manifesting a new start. The soothing energy from this crystal encourages perseverance, yet is beneficial for calming quick tempers. It benefits those with attention disorders and those in need of emotional recovery. This natural healing gemstone also brings protection from environmental pollutants.
Types of Aventurine: Green Aventurine, White Aventurine, Yellow Aventurine, Blue Aventurine, Peach Aventurine, Pink Aventurine.
Aventurine Emotional Healing (Keywords)
Calms, Soothes, Balances Emotions, Brings Acceptance, Heals Emotional Trauma and Heartache, Boosts Confidence, Addresses Control Issues, Brings Protection, Stimulates: Humor, Joy, Hope, and Happiness.
Aventurine Mental Healing (Keywords)
Perception, Understanding, Attention, Focus, Decision-Making, Dyslexia, Learning, Creativity, Motivation, Leadership, Perseverance, Acceptance, and Opportunities.
Aventurine Physical Healing (Keywords)
Improves: Heart Conditions, Circulation, Blood Pressure, Eye Sight, Hair Growth, Ovaries, Thymus, Tissue Repair, Metabolism, Lowers Cholesterol, Anti-Inflammatory, Migraines, Nervous System, Eczema, Skin Conditions, Lungs, Sinuses, Allergies, and Adrenals.
Keywords: Enlightenment, Guidance, Intuition, Insight, Psychic Development, Courage.
Azurite is a stone of heaven. This celestial gemstone brings the spirit into alignment with its purpose. It clears confusion and promotes new and uplifting perspectives. This gemstone activates intuition and awakens psychic abilities. It is often used for meditation, dream enhancement, and "out of body" experiences.
The rich vibrancy of its dark-blue energy resonates to the exact frequency of the Third-Eye Chakra, and has been guiding souls to enlightenment since the earliest civilizations began.[Hall, 77-78] Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003).
Azurite alleviates worry, fear, grief, and doubt. It gives courage to overcome self-restricting patterns, and provides necessary security that allows one to verbalize their truth. This stone will aid in overcoming an inferiority complex, and proves useful when dealing with bullies.
Azurite eases tension between relationships at home, especially in large families or blended families such as with step-parents.
Azurite stimulates intellectual pursuits and is an excellent gemstone for students, especially "life-long" students. It enhances focus, encourages concentration, and aids in memory retention and recall.
An excellent crystal for examinations, interviews, presentations, or negotiations, Azurite also fortifies long-term career plans, especially in large or very structured organizations. It is particularly beneficial for careers in all governmental departments, museums, libraries and universities. [Eason, 217]Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible (London: Carlton Books Ltd., 2010).
Azurite Emotional Healing (Keywords)
Relieves: Stress, Grief and Sadness. Activates Courage, Self-Expression, and Letting Go. Overcomes Phobias and Calms Nerves.
Azurite Mental Healing (Keywords)
Improves: Intellect, Memory, Inner-Vision, Psychic Abilities, Intuition, Insight, Wisdom. Stimulates Discovery, Focus, Concentration, and Learning.
Azurite Physical Healing (Keywords)
Heals: Spine, Skin, Teeth, Bones, Joints, Kidneys, Arthritis, Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen, Rib Cage, and Small Bones. Improves: Pregnancy, Development of Embryo, Circulation, Brain Damage, Reflex, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Migraines.
Keywords: Revitalizes, Purifies, Grounds, Cleanse. Brings Courage, Creativity, and Protection.
Bloodstone stimulates mental activity and greatly enhances motivation, (it get's your blood pumping)! Wear Bloodstone to reduce irritability, aggressive behavior, and impatience.
Bloodstone is a stone of purification. This magnificent healing stone is an excellent blood cleanser that purifies and improves circulation. It revitalizes and instills feelings of being grounded and well protected. Bloodstone helps eliminate unwanted material possessions. This healing gem promotes clearing and simplifying for a better life experience.
Bloodstone heightens intuition and guides you to avoid dangerous situations. It increases creativity, aids in physical healing, enlightenment, nobility and self-awareness. It vibrates energy of courage, comfort and strength. Bloodstone calms the mind, dispels illusion and confusion, and promotes making positive choices. It assist you in doing the right thing in the present moment.
Bloodstone stimulates the immune system and helps fight colds, influenza (Flu), inflammation and infections. This natural healing stone revitalizes and re-energizes the body after illness, injury or exhaustion.
Bloodstone Emotional Healing (Keywords)
Grounds, Comforts, Strengthens, Supports. Calms Aggressive Behavior, Reduces Irritability, and Promotes Patience.
Bloodstone Mental Healing (Keywords)
Mental Stimulation, Creativity, Motivation, Self-Awareness, Courage, Clarification, and improves Decision-Making.
Bloodstone Physical Healing (Keywords)
Anemia, Bladder, Cancer, Childbirth, Circulation, Cramps, Detox, Exhaustion, Flu, Hemorrhoids, Inflammation, Infections, Intestines, Metabolism, Leukemia, Kidneys, Liver, Piles, Spleen, Stomach Problems, Detox, and Tumors.
Keywords: Protection, Grounds, Leadership, Self-Assertiveness, Encourages, Improves Motivation.
Bronzite promotes transition in a harmonious way. This is a stone of polite protection. It strengthens non-bias judgment, increases self-assertive abilities, and promotes taking control of your life. This shiny brown gemstone helps you take necessary actions, while doing so in a loving and tactful way. Bronzite encourages you to, "Keep it classy!" It returns ill-wishes and curses back to the perpetrator, providing spiritual protection and inner-security. It brings protection from negative thinking and self-defeat.
Bronzite builds peace of mind and facilitates the ability to just, "be." This is an extremely beneficial gemstone for those who have a hard time being still, as it brings total serenity. On the contrary, this stone is also beneficial for putting plans into action and making important decisions. It promotes judgment without prejudice, alleviates feelings of doubt, and restores harmony in your life. Use Bronzite to enhance feelings of self-esteem, self-help, and improved confidence.
Bronzite Emotional Healing (Keywords)
Stability, Security, Self-Control, Calms, Centers Energy, Brings Harmony. Provides Protection from Negative Energy, Raises Self-Esteem and Positivity.
Bronzite Mental Healing (Keywords)
Improves: Decision-Making, Judgement, Harmony, Self-Help, Confidence, Assertiveness, and Learning. Encourages Setting and Reaching Goals.
Bronzite Physical Healing (Keywords)
Exhaustion, Anemia, Blood Disorders, Cramps, Muscle Spasms, Bi-polar, pH Balance, Skin, Eczema, and Dehydration.