Chakras are energy centers located along the spine
These energy centers transport energy through the body
Chakras have an assigned color and frequency
Chakras effect psychological, physical, and spiritual well-being
Definition of Each Chakra
ROOT CHAKRA: The First Chakra is our Root Chakra and is represented by the color red. The root chakra denotes purpose, connection, safety, and the right to be and have. This chakra is associated with security, grounding, basic needs, and survival.
SACRAL CHAKRA: The Second Chakra is our Sacral Chakra and is represented by the color orange. The sacral chakra signifies expressed feelings, security, and the potential for intimacy. This chakra is associated with emotions, creativity, the ability to relate, and sensual pleasure.
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA: The Third Chakra is our Solar Plexus Chakra and is represented by the color yellow. The solar plexus chakra is in charge of personal power, action, clarity of judgement, personal identity, and independence. This chakra determines confidence, intellect, and personality.
HEART CHAKRA: The Fourth Chakra is our Heart Chakra and is represented by the color green. The Heart Chakra facilitates the right to love and be loved. This chakra is associated with love, discernment, forgiveness, and the ability to grieve and reach peace. The heart chakra is our center of awareness, a place of transformation and change.
THROAT CHAKRA: The Fifth Chakra is our Throat Chakra and is represented by the color blue. The Throat Chakra influences self-expression, realization of purpose, verbal and non-verbal communication, and intuition. This chakra determines how well you express yourself in a creative and authentic way.
THIRD EYE CHAKRA: The Sixth Chakra is our Third Eye Chakra and is represented by the color indigo. The Third Eye Chakra is associated with intuition, wisdom, insight, and psychic abilities. This chakra surpasses physical senses and allows inner perception, vision, and insight.
CROWN CHAKRA: The Seventh Chakra is our Crown Chakra and is represented by the color violet. The Crown Chakra allows access to higher states of consciousness. This chakra is associated with awareness, unity, presence, spiritual ecstasy, and enlightenment.
Muladhara Chakra
Mantra: "Lam"
Color: Red
"I AM"
Keywords: Safety, Survival, Basic Needs, Grounding, Support, Connection, Success, Security, Stability.
The first chakra is represented by the color red and is known as the Root or Base Chakra. The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine, in the tailbone area. This location reflects our foundation. Feelings of being grounded and secure are stored here. The energy stored here reflects balance of basic needs, security, survival, and the ability to manifest in the material world. Strength and stamina are expressed through the Root Chakra. This is where drive and initiative are established, it’s where focus, discipline, and awareness of limits are derived. An imbalanced Root chakra can establish itself as feeling "too grounded", or "not grounded enough."
Aggressiveness and stubbornness can be further signs of root chakra imbalance, as can a tendency towards selfishness and material and emotional possessiveness. An imbalance in the root chakra creates a self-serving and self-centered personality. When your survival is threatened, you feel afraid. This fear can be immobilizing and ultimately prevent one from achieving goals. The root chakra is awakened when you confront your fears. [Parragon, 148]Paragon Books, The Book of Yoga (UK:The Bridgewater Book Company Limited., 2002).
Signs of an overactive Root chakra: Materialistic; Unable to move on; Possessiveness; Controlling.
Signs of an under-active Root Chakra: Feeling off balance; Constantly fantasizing; Difficulty concentrating; Loss of self-control.
A blocked Root Chakra can cause physical illnesses such as; constipation or diarrhea, exhaustion, kidney stones, sciatica, hypertension, eating disorders, addictions, colitis, and impotence.
Negative Trait: Insecurity
Positive Trait: Inner security
Gemstones for Root Chakra:
Azurite, Bloodstone, Chrysocolla, Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Carnelian, Citrine, Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz.
Root Chakra Affirmation: "I am safe and supported"
Svadhisthana Chakra
Mantra: "Vam"
Color: Orange
Keywords: Emotions, Creativity, Relations, Sexual Expression, Sexuality, Pleasure, Personal Power, Feelings, Empathy, Self Esteem, Intuition, Desire.
The second chakra is represented by the color orange and is known as the Sacral Chakra. The Sacral Chakra is located in the lower abdomen, just two inches below the navel. This location reflects our connection, ability to accept others, and adjust to new experiences. This is where we feel a sense of abundance, self-worth, sexuality, creativity. pleasure, and empathy. The ability to adapt to change is expressed through the Sacral Chakra. This is where you develop the ability to nurture and be nurtured. Relationships, including the one you have with yourself, are developed through the integration and development of the Sacral Chakra. An imbalanced Sacral Chakra can establish itself as being "too giving" or "not giving enough."
Creative problem-solving and the ability to work creatively with others will come easily. Even if other people have different ideas from you, you are able to work out a complementary path. Rather than forming obstacles, the different approaches and attitudes of others enrich your life and allow you to develop and grow.[Parragon, 149]Paragon Books, The Book of Yoga (UK:The Bridgewater Book Company Limited., 2002).
Signs of an overactive sacral chakra: Selfishness; Flirting outrageously; Using sex as power; Excessive sexual desire; Seeking unhealthy pleasure; Inability to develop intimate relationships.
Signs of an under-active sacral Chakra: Lack of creativity; Guilt; Anxiety; Obesity; Inability to develop intimate relationships; Unpredictable behavior; Unable to adapt to change; Clinginess.
A blocked Sacral Chakra can cause physical illnesses such as; constipation, back pain, impotence, infertility, kidney infections, urinary infections, circulation issues, bladder problems, and abnormal menstruation.
Negative Trait: Low self-esteem
Positive Trait: Self-worth
Gemstones for Sacral Chakra:
Red Jasper, Orange Carnelian, Topaz, Orange Calcite, Citrine,.
Sacral Chakra Affirmation: "I feel open and receptive"
Manipura Chakra
Mantra: "Ram" or "Aum"
Color: Yellow
Keywords: Empowerment, Responsibility, Decision-making, Personal identity, Judgement, Self-Confidence, Self-Discipline, Independence, Strength, Ego.
The third chakra is represented by the color yellow and is known as the Solar Plexus Chakra. The Solar Plexus Chakra is located in the upper abdomen, in the stomach area. This location reflects our ability to feel confident and in control of our lives. This is where we feel a sense of self- esteem, self-worth, personal willpower, social identity, and happiness.
The solar plexus center links to your level of comfort with power, and this includes your sense of personal power. Your power comes through being able to bring things together. Rather than seeing things as separate and unrelated, and subdividing them, you are able to find the power in unification. A balanced third chakra helps you develop a healthy will and autonomy. When unbalanced, you may feel powerless, have lower self-esteem and be more easily swayed by the opinions of those around you. [Parragon, 149]Paragon Books, The Book of Yoga (UK:The Bridgewater Book Company Limited., 2002).
Signs of an overactive solar plexus chakra: Violence; Uncontrolled passion; Jealousy; Anger, frustration, confusion, and Fear; Manipulation toward others; Obsessiveness; Addictions.
Signs of an under-active solar plexus Chakra: Low self-esteem; Lack of willpower; Feeling powerless; Victim role; Overly critical of self; Low energy; Disconnected.
A blocked Solar Plexus Chakra can cause physical illnesses such as; diabetes, ulcers, hypoglycemia, gas, nausea, asthma, arthritis, fibromyalgia, poor digestion, gallbladder issues, difficulty losing or gaining weight, and liver and kidney problems.
Negative Trait: Inferiority
Positive Trait: Emotional stability
Gemstones for Solar Plexus Chakra:
Malachite, Jasper, Tigers Eye, Citrine, Rhodochrosite
Solar Plexus Affirmation: "I stand in my power, I trust my intuition"
Anahata Chakra
Mantra: "Yam" or "Ah"
Color: Green
Keywords: Love, Relationships, Compassion, Empathy, Devotion, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Transformation, Awareness, Integration of Insight, Union, Harmony.
The fourth chakra is represented by the color green and is known as the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra is located in the center of our chest, just above the heart. This location reflects our ability to love. This is where energy for love, joy, inner peace, compassion, balance, and forgiveness are stored. The heart chakra expresses itself through social awareness, sense of devotion, kindness, forgiveness, joy, and happiness. It activates the ability to unite and integrate yourself into groups without losing your sense of self.
When the heart chakra is in balance the related organs and systems will be healthy. There is a sense of connection with all lie, which gives peace, joy and feelings of unconditional love for all beings. Your relationships will be more balanced and harmonious. Your emotions will be free but not unstable and they can be clearly and spontaneously expressed. You will be open, willing and able to live without fear of vulnerability. There will be a good balance between the material things in life and your emotions. Because the heart center has an integrative force, helping us overcome dualities, and because love is the ultimate healing energy, the heart chakra is the center for healing.[Parragon, 150]Paragon Books, The Book of Yoga (UK:The Bridgewater Book Company Limited., 2002).
Signs of an overactive heart chakra: Selfishness; Lack of sensitivity; Arrogance; Conditional love; Confusing love for sex; Expecting something in return for love; Manipulation toward others; Intolerance.
Signs of an under-active heart Chakra: Sadness; Depression; Inability to forgive; Easily manipulated; Unable to experience joy; Mood swings; Overly sensitive; Unable to express emotions; Self-hatred; Low self-esteem; Lack of self care; Co-dependency.
A blocked Heart Chakra can cause physical illnesses such as: High blood pressure; Poor circulation; Respiratory problems; Heart conditions; Asthma; Weak immune system.
Negative Trait: Possessiveness and neediness
Positive Trait: Peace, harmony, and unconditional love
Gemstones for Heart Chakra:
Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Kunzite, Rhodonite, Peridot, Lepidolite, Morganite, Chrysocolla, Emerald.
Heart Chakra Affirmation: "I give and receive love"
Visuddha Chakra
Mantra: "Lam"
Color: Blue
Keywords: Expression, Communication, Intuition, Inspiration, Truth, Creations (ability to create), Soul Purpose, Timing.
The fifth chakra is represented by the color blue and is known as the Throat Chakra. The Throat Chakra is located in the throat. This location reflects our ability to communicate. This is where we store energy for communication, self expression, listening, speaking, and creative writing. This area expresses itself through the ability to verbally express thoughts and feelings. It affects speech and our ability to express ourselves. Truth and honesty are linked to the Throat Chakra. When balanced, the throat chakra develops a sense of inner-peace, serenity, and devotion.
This center connects our feelings and intuition with our thoughts, making them enter our consciousness and enabling us to act on them. The throat chakra helps form our future. A need or desire is more easily met once it is expressed, so, in a way, we shape our own futures with verbal communication. [Parragon, 151]Paragon Books, The Book of Yoga (UK:The Bridgewater Book Company Limited., 2002).
Signs of an overactive throat chakra: Dominating conversations; Overly critical; Judgmental; Harsh voice; Lying; False pride.
Signs of an under-active throat Chakra: Holding back; Unable to voice opinions; Unable to express emotions; Lack of creativity; Loss of faith.
A blocked Throat Chakra can cause physical illnesses such as: Laryngitis; Chronic sore throat; Dental problems; Thyroid problems; Headaches; TMJ; Neck pain; Metabolism issues; Insomnia; Flu; Cancer.
Negative Trait: Mendacity, passivity.
Positive Trait: Truth, self expression
Gemstones for Throat Chakra:
Azurite, Turquoise, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Amber, Kunzite, Lepidolite
Throat Chakra Affirmation: "I speak my truth"
Ajna Chakra
Mantra: "Aum"
Color: Indigo
Keywords: Vision, Intuition, Perception, Psychic Abilities, Wisdom, Insight, Inspiration, Creativity, Abstract Thought, Intuitive Knowledge, Clairvoyance, Intellect.
The sixth chakra is represented by the color indigo and is known as our Third Eye, or Brow Chakra. The Third Eye Chakra is located on the forehead, in between the eyes. This location reflects the ability to focus and see the big picture. This is where we store energy for intuition, imagination, visions, and connections to the higher self. The Third Eye Chakra expresses itself through intuition, imagination, insight, and visualization. Clairvoyance is activated in the third eye chakra.
When the third eye chakra is in balance, you will be able to observe thoughts and feelings without becoming overly attached to them. You have a good level of direction, devotion and high ideals. You are imaginative and carry within yourself a sense of oneness, a feeling of unity. This sense of integration allows you to overcome anxiety. When anja chakra is fully awakened, you experience a mastery of the self, known as self-realization.[Parragon, 152]Paragon Books, The Book of Yoga (UK:The Bridgewater Book Company Limited., 2002).
Signs of an overactive third eye chakra: Anxiety; Confusion; Feeling overwhelmed; Paranoia; Nightmares; Delusions; Being judgmental.
Signs of an under-active third eye Chakra: Problems focusing; Unable to concentrate; Lack of creativity; Lack of direction; Depression; Confusion; Negativity.
A blocked Third Eye Chakra can cause physical illnesses such as; Insomnia; High blood pressure; Seizures; Poor vision; Sinusitis; Migraines; Nervous disorders; Eye, ear, nose, and sinus conditions.
Negative Trait: Delusions and confusion
Positive Trait: Intuition and insight
Gemstones for Third Eye Chakra:
Sodalite, Azurite, Lapis Lazuli, Purple Fluorite, Kunzite, Lepidolite
Third Eye Chakra Affirmation: "I see clearly, I am intuitive"
Sahasrara Chakra
Mantra: "Om"
Color: Purple
Keywords: Consciousness, Awareness, Wisdom, Realization, Ecstasy, Bliss, Presence, Enlightenment, Divinity, Truth.
The seventh chakra is represented by the color purple and is known as our Crown Chakra. The Crown Chakra is located on the very top of our head. This location reflects the ability to be fully connected on a spiritual level. This is where the connection between inner and outer beauty is made. It is the connection to spirituality and pure bliss. This is the gateway to other dimensions... where we find enlightenment.
The crown chakra expresses itself through the ability to transcend materialism a let go of things which we have become physically attached to. It activates the search for meaning, unity, spiritual enlightenment, and higher consciousness.
When your crown chakra is in balance, you will feel a sense of unity with others without suffering a loss of your individuality. You will pay well-focused attention to them. There is no distortion, but rather a knowledge born of wisdom or enlightenment. You will be free to follow your own ethical ideals and not be overly influenced by outside forces or the opinions of others.[Parragon, 152]Paragon Books, The Book of Yoga (UK:The Bridgewater Book Company Limited., 2002).
Signs of an overactive third eye chakra: Sensitivity to light and sound; Sense of entitlement; Boredom; Frustration; Learning disabilities; Spiritual brain-washing; Being destructive; Craving sympathy.
Signs of an under-active third eye Chakra: Depression; Sadness; Loss of meaning; Isolation; Greed; Detachment; Loneliness; Loss of direction; Low energy; Fatigue; Close-minded; Loss of self; Loss of creativity.
A blocked Crown Chakra can cause isolation and emotional distress, resulting in physical illnesses such as; Insomnia; Depression; Nerve pain; Alzheimer’s; Neurological disorders; Schizophrenia; Thyroid and pineal gland disorders; Migraines; Psychoses; Seasonal Affective Disorder Syndrome (SADS); Tumors.
Keywords: Consciousness, Awareness, Wisdom, Realization, Ecstasy, Bliss, Presence, Enlightenment, Divinity, Truth.
Negative Trait: Arrogance, Egotism
Positive Trait: Spirituality, Enlightenment
Gemstones for Crown Chakra:
Citrine, Quartz, Amethyst, Charoite, Sugilite, Ametrine