Natural Healing Gems

  • Zodiac Jewelry
  • Capricorn Tiger Eye with Earth Tone Agate Bracelet (S/M)

Capricorn Tiger Eye with Earth Tone Agate Bracelet (S/M)

Capricorn gemstone bracelet
capricorn tiger eye crackle agate bracelet
Capricorn gemstone bracelet with Tiger Eye

Capricorn Tiger Eye with Earth Tone Agate Bracelet (S/M)


Stay grounded, stable, and in control with this gemstone bracelet for Capricorn. This Tiger Eye with Crackle Agate bracelet brings comfort to the soul. Tiger Eye protects energy and encourages an optimistic outlook, it gives inner-strength and courage. The earth tone Agate beads are faceted and create an elegant look. Agate healing provides security, balance, and harmony. It improves thinking and gives a more open and accepting vibe. Manage the day wisely with this natural gemstone bracelet for Capricorn.

  • Natural gemstone stretch bracelet with Capricorn charms

  • Available in size 6.5” (S/M)

  • Handmade

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Stay grounded, stable, and in control with this gemstone bracelet for Capricorn. This Tiger Eye with Crackle Agate bracelet brings comfort to the soul. Tiger Eye protects energy and encourages an optimistic outlook, it gives inner-strength and courage. The earth tone Agate beads are faceted and create an elegant look. Agate healing provides security, balance, and harmony. It improves thinking and gives a more open and accepting vibe. Manage the day wisely with this natural gemstone bracelet for Capricorn.

  • Natural gemstone stretch bracelet with Capricorn charms

  • Available in size 6.5” (S/M)

  • Handmade



Stone of Optimism

Chakras: Solar PlexusRoot Chakra

Tiger Eye restores self-worth, develops pride, and establishes integrity. This gemstone brings honor and motivation toward accomplishing goals. It stimulates perception, creativity, and personal willpower. It has a peaceful and calming energy that grounds and balances the soul, alleviates anxiety, and restores organization and order.

As a Stone of Protection, Tiger Eye blocks negative intentions of others and is useful for quick thinking and positive actions. It grounds, balances, and builds strength in the Root Chakra. It builds intuition, activates creativity, and establishes peaceful feelings in the Sacral Chakra. It develops understanding and acceptance in the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Tiger Eye Metaphysical Benefits:

Improves asthma, eye sight, fatigue, gallbladder, throat, liver, spleen, bladder, mood disorders, mental conditions, personality disorders, depression, addiction, psoriasis, lowers blood pressure, and improves heart conditions.


Stone of Strength

Chakras: All

Agate gemstones are slow, steady, strong, and consistent. These gems bring stability into your life that insures a sense of being grounded and well balanced. Agate harmonizes yin/yang energies, (the positive and negative, the male and female, the inner and outer), by promoting wholeness, inner-strength, self-acceptance, and confidence. They encourage self analysis and open communication. These natural healing gemstones boost mental abilities such as perception, memory recall, analytics, and concentration. Agate brings to light practical solutions and aids in creative endeavors through quiet contemplation and spiritual growth. These self-enhancing gemstones aid in the ability to overcome insecurity, anger, fear, and negativity. Agate inspires peace, love, self-assurance, and courage for new beginnings.

Agate Metaphysical Benefits:

Lactation, Pregnancy, ADD, ADHD, Digestion, Gastritis, Eye Sight, Stomach Issues, Uterus, Intestines, Skin Disorders, Heart Conditions, Epilepsy, Fevers, Colds, and Sleepwalking.

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