Natural Healing Gems

JASPER - Stone of Stability

“Supreme Nurturer”


Red Jasper: stone of stability

Chakra: Root

Zodiac: Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Aries


Keywords: Stability, Grounding, Courage, Endurance, Kundalini, Nurture, Strength.

Wear Red Jasper to enhance courage, wisdom, endurance, stamina and strength.

Red Jasper is a “Stone of Stability.” This spiritual stone is known as "The Supreme Nurturer," it promotes tranquility and wholeness. This healing gemstone sustains and supports during stressful times and encourages a connection between you and the earth. It brings honesty with the self and provides insight for finding solutions. Red Jasper healing strengthens the Root Chakra, it grounds and assists in new beginnings. It accelerates circulation, purifying the aura and strengthening personal boundaries. When worn during meditation, Red Jasper can activate Kundalini energies. 

Red Jasper is a Stone of Emotional Stability and makes an excellent gift for those who are bouncing back from any kind of conflict or illness. This healing gemstone is heat regulating and stimulates circulation. It revitalizes, refreshes, re-energizes and renews. Red Jasper gemstones are beneficial for those battling Cancer, have low blood-pressure, low sex-drive, stomach issues, and physical weakness. 

Red Jasper Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Calming, Nurturing, Emotional Stability, Honesty, Eases Stress, Emotional Strength, Supportive, Strengthening.

Red Jasper Mental Healing (Keywords)

Learning, Mental Stamina, New Beginnings, Refreshing, Personal Boundaries, Understanding, Acceptance.

Red Jasper Physical Healing (Keywords)

Bladder Issues, Cancer, Circulation, Epilepsy, Gallbladder, Indigestion, Leg Concerns, Liver, Low Blood-Pressure, Nightmares, Loss of Smell, Stomach Issues, Throat, Weakness.


Brecciated Jasper: stone of strength and vitality

Chakras: Root, Sacral

Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio


Keywords: Vitality, Strength, Stamina, Energy, Rejuvenation, Confidence, Kundalini.

Brecciated Jasper is a “Stone of Strength and Vitality.” This gemstone breaks up and removes negative energies, it brings mental clarity by improving concentration and focus. It increases stamina, encourages rejuvenation, and enhances self-confidence. This is a calming, soothing, nurturing gemstone that promotes dream recall and aids in creative self-expression.

Brecciated Jasper calms sexual aggressiveness and helps overcome sexual guilt and shame. It brings guidance in sexual compatibility and is known to add vitality, stamina, and stability to experiences.

Brecciated Jasper Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Calms, Soothes, Strengthens, Emotional Courage, Confidence, Consoling, Warming.

Brecciated Jasper Mental Healing (Keywords)

Clarity, Mental Stamina, Creativity, Concentration, Dreams, Memory, Focus, Self-Expression, Self-Esteem.

Brecciated Jasper Physical Healing (Keywords)

Bladder, Dehydration, Legs, Liver, Sense of Smell, Stomach, Throat.


Picture Jasper: stone of great vision

Chakras: Root, Third Eye

Zodiac: Capricorn, Leo


Keywords: Learning, Vision, Creativity, Lessons, Transformation, Confidence, Inspiration.

Picture Jasper is a protection stone that absorbs negative energy and transforms it into positive. This gemstone is beneficial for creative visualization, starting a new business, and traveling abroad. 

Picture Jasper is a “Stone of Great Vision.” This gem allows the wearer to see and accept the bigger picture. It contains messages from the past that need to be rediscovered. It resurfaces hidden feelings so they can be released and turned into lessons learned. Picture Jasper instills courages, confidence, and inspiration toward creative expression. This exceptional gemstone is often used to overcome "writer's and artist's block”, it gives guidance toward reaching goals and bringing dreams into reality.

A nurturing and protective stone, Picture Jasper comforts and alleviates fear, stimulating not only the Root Chakra in providing physical and spiritual energy for the body, but also activating the Third Eye Chakra enhancing visualization. It instills a sense of proportion and harmony, enlivening one’s creativity and initiative, and is a marvelous talisman for bringing hidden emotions to the surface for healing. [Melody, 344-347] Melody, Love Is In The Earth (Wheat Ridge, CO: Earth-Love Publishing House, 1995). [Hall, 155] Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003). [Eason, 298]Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible (London: Carlton Books Ltd., 2010).

Picture Jasper is useful for balancing and aligning the chakras. It can give you a boost in energy as well as the immune system. It aids in healing skin disorders, lung disorders and alleviates allergies. 

Picture Jasper Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Harmony, Relieves Emotional Baggage, Increases Sensitivity, Heals Emotions, Enthusiasm, Gratitude, Appreciation, Comfort.

Picture Jasper Mental Healing (Keywords)

Learning, Insight, Enlightenment, Lessons, Understanding, Connecting, Making Connections, Awareness, Consciousness, Leadership, Independence.

Picture Jasper Physical Healing (Keywords)

Gallbladder, Immune System, Kidneys, Lungs, Allergies, Muscle Spasms, Skin Disorders, Bones, Urinary Tract.


Ocean Jasper: stone of emotional peace

Chakras: Solar Plexus, Root

Zodiac: Leo, Virgo, Scorpio


Keywords: Peace, Tranquility, Comfort, Joy, Self-Worth, Patience, Letting-go, Renewal.

Ocean Jasper lifts your spirits and encourages feelings of  joy and happiness. It enhances personal strength, self-esteem, self-worth, and assists in accepting responsibilities. 

Ocean Jasper is a “Stone of Emotional Peace.” This orbicular jasper promotes tranquility and patience, it relieves tension and stress. This gemstone gently calms emotions and guides the body in taking deep, even breaths. It carries the rhythm of gentle power and spiritual presents, just like the ocean. They help gain strength and generate promises of renewal with a slow and steady energetic vibration. Ocean Jasper opens the heart and reminds one to be accepting of the cycles of life. It eases physical discomfort and alleviates anxiety and depression.

As it activates your Base Chakra, Ocean Jasper prepares you to appreciate the feeling of being grounded, safe, and connected to the Earth. Just like a walk on the beach, this deeply evolving gemstone slowly begins working it's way up through your body, cleansing your aura and realigning your whole chakra system

Ocean Jasper comes in a variety of colors including green, brown, white, black, pink, yellow, blue, and gray. They have all sorts of patterns and bands of colors. Many have circles ( often called "Orbicular Jasper" ) and some even have Druzy Quartz in them, which gives them a sparkle inside.

Black Ocean Jasper

Ocean Jasper Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Balance, Harmony, Comfort, Uplifting, Emotional Strength, New Beginnings, Alleviates Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Brings joy, Appreciation, Love, Relaxation.

Ocean Jasper Mental Healing (Keywords)

Insight, Focus, Centering, Meditation, Moving On, Inspiration, Creativity, Unity, Adaptability, Knowledge, Spiritual Wisdom, Record Keeper, Reduces Negative Thoughts.

Ocean Jasper Physical Healing (Keywords)

Fertility, PMS, Anxiety, Stress, Digestion, Removing Toxins, Detox, Body Odor.


Zebra Jasper: stone of balance

Chakra: Root

Zodiac: Libra, Virgo


Keywords: Grounding, Contentment, Nurtured, Reaching Goals, Communication, Optimism.

Carry Zebra Jasper with you to feel nurtured, balanced, and optimistic. Set some goals and get ready to achieve them!

Zebra Jasper is a motivational stone that uplifts your spirit. It initiates optimism and vision toward reaching realistic goals. This is a calming, grounding gemstone that eases tension during difficult situations. 

Zebra Jasper is a grounding stone that stimulates the Root Chakra. It brings scattered energy together, creates vision, and facilitates direction toward reaching goals. This gemstone brings joy and light into the environment. It promotes feelings of happiness, optimism, balance, and contentment. Zebra Jasper healing wards off negative energies and brings resolution to unseen issues.

Pink Zebra Jasper opens the gate for optimistic thinking, motivates spiritual growth, and encourages feeling content with life. This is a nurturing gemstone. It harmonizes your aura through balance, self-care, and encouragement for growth. It supports spiritual development and provides calming and tranquil energy for the environment. Through gentle support and elevated feelings of joy, Pink Zebra Jasper improves ones quality of life and promotes compassion and relaxation. This stable stone helps overcome depression and anxiety. It brings balance to physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Zebra Jasper Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Emotional Harmony, Peace, Optimism, Joy, Self-Esteem, Confidence, Calms Anxiety, Tension, Stress, Depression, Relationships, Balance, Contentment. 

Zebra Jasper Mental Healing (Keywords)

Setting Goals, Vision, Problem Solving, Decision-Making, Discernment, Clarity, Acceptance.

Zebra Jasper Physical Healing (Keywords)

Bladder, Kidneys, Vitamin Absorption, Muscle Spasms, Skin, Bones, Teeth


Unakite Jasper: stone of vision

Chakras: Third Eye, Heart

Zodiac: Scorpio, All


Keywords: Vision, Growth, Relationships, Patience, Past Life, Transformation, Change, Inspiration, Release.

Unakite reaches the root of past, present, and future. Problems with past conditioning are gently brought  to the surface so they can be transformed.

Unakite Jasper is a “Stone of Vision.” This perceiving gemstone will guide you through the process of elimination and renewal. It encourages us to release the past and enlightens through inspirational visions pertaining to the future. With a contrasting combination of Red Jasper, Pink Feldspar, and Green Epitome, Unakite is a symbol for the saying, "Things that are meant to be, will be."

The energy from Unakite Jasper brings balance to emotions and heightens ones sense of spirituality. It digs up insight from the past, gently allowing one to re-access and release patterns that may be blocking psychological and spiritual growth. Unakite Jasper helps release negative energies and aids in letting go of harmful addictions and habits. It facilitates forgiveness and fills the soul with motivation and endurance for great transformations.

Unakite Jasper is known to improve the reproductive system. This is an excellent gemstone for pregnant women and the healthy development of unborn babies. It generates a connection for early bonding and keeps mom feeling calm and centered during childbirth.

Unakite helps repair tissue and relieves muscle tension. This gemstone is beneficial for those battling cancer.

Unakite Jasper Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Love, Compassion, Emotional Recovery, Balance, Harmony, Kindness, Acceptance, Healthy Relationships, Bonding, Heart Space, Alleviates Anger and Resentment, Emotional Clarity.

Unakite Jasper Mental Healing (Keywords)

Patience, Persistence, Tolerance, Insight, Problem Solving, Clarity, Clears Confusion.

Unakite Jasper Physical Healing (Keywords)

Cancer, Female Reproductive System, Tissue Repair, Weight (gain), Recovery from Major Illnesses, Hair, Skin, Nails, Childbirth, Muscle Tension, Heart Conditions, Lungs, Asthma, and Bronchitis.


Fancy Jasper: stone of tranquility

Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus

Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio


Keywords: Nurturing, Grounding, Stability, Tranquility, Focus, Perseverance, Wisdom.

Soothe your mind, calm emotions, and enhance concentration with Fancy Jasper. This stabilizing stone aligns the chakras for total healing and energy clearing. It promotes perseverance and motivation, and boosts physical energy. Fancy Jasper brings life into perspective. 

Fancy Jasper is a “Stone of Tranquility.” This is a calming gemstone that soothes emotions and allows us to live in the present moment. It enhances enjoyment of life and brings clarity to purpose.

Fancy Jasper Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Calms Emotions, Brings Peace and Tranquility, Soothes, Comforts, Alleviates Stress, Sadness, Worry, Fear, Doubt, Activates Love, Joy, Up-lifting.

Fancy Jasper Mental Healing (Keywords)

Focus, Concentration, Decision-Making, Clear Thoughts, Wisdom, Courage, Insight, Mental Balance.

Fancy Jasper Physical Healing (Keywords)

Eyesight, Weight Loss, Sexual Enhancement, Recovery from Illness, Circulation, Digestion, Stomach Issues.


Gray Jasper: stone of focused creativity

Chakra: Root

Zodiac: Leo, Virgo, Scorpio


Keywords: Stability, Security, Creativity, Focus, Courage, Self-Expression.

Grey Jasper promotes feelings of security, stability, and contentment. This healing gem boosts self-esteem and encourages taking action. It aids in proper decision making and stabilizes ones connection with the Earth.

Grey Jasper is a “Stone of Focused Creativity.” It filters distractions and encourages personal direction. It brings protection from negative energies while increasing motivation and drive. Gray Jasper healing stimulates the imagination and promotes bringing creative ideas into existence. 

Jaspers are the nurturers, healers, and spirit stone of courage and wisdom.

Gray Jasper Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Self-Acceptance, Courage, Harmony, Stabilizes Emotions, Emotional Security, Creativity, Self-Expression, Contentment, Understanding, Peace.

Gray Jasper Mental Healing (Keywords)

Focus, Concentration, Creativity, Expression, Wisdom, Insight, Learning, Imagination.

Gray Jasper Physical Healing (Keywords)

Bladder issues, Cancer, Circulation, Epilepsy, Gallbladder, Indigestion, Legs, Liver, Low Blood-Pressure, Nightmares, Loss of Smell, Stomach Problems, Throat, Weakness.


Blue Sesame Jasper: stone of wholeness

Chakras: Heart, Throat, Third Eye

Zodiac: Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius


Keywords: Justice, Equality, Awakening, Communication, Honesty, Truth, Love, Inspiration.

Blue Sesame Jasper helps balance the art of giving and receiving. This gemstone awakens ones ability to be balance and just, this is a beneficial stone for those who stand up for justice and equality. 

Blue Sesame Jasper is an incredibly vibrant and stimulating gemstone. This is a “Stone of Wholeness.” It encourages higher consciousness and focuses on spiritual healing. This nurturing blue gemstone brings balance to yin/yang energies and allows us to see both sides of a situation. It prepares the heart by gathering strength for emotional battles that lie ahead.

Blue Sesame Jasper opens and activates the Heart, Throat, and Third Eye Chakras. This is how it improves creativity and communication from the heart. It promotes open and honest relationships.

Blue Sesame Jasper Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Soothing, Tranquility, Peace, Balance, Harmony, Love, Acceptance, Self-Esteem, Courage.

Blue Sesame Jasper Mental Healing (Keywords)

Decision-Making, Creativity, Clear Thoughts, Opens Communication, Creativity.

Blue Sesame Jasper Physical Healing (Keywords)

Cancer, Circulation, Epilepsy, Gallbladder, Indigestion, Headaches, Eyesight, Throat, Weakness.


Picasso Jasper: stone of relationships

Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart

Zodiac: Leo


Keywords: Relationships, Transformation, Meditation, Shadow Work, Integration, Grounding.

Picasso Jasper can be found in gray, brown, orange, and red tones.

Picasso Jasper is a “Stone of Relationships.” This creative gemstone develops loyalty and trust, and aids in the renewal of old friendships. It assists in transforming relationships and attracting like-minded people.

Picasso Jasper makes transformations smooth and easy flowing. This is a stone of shadow integration, durability, transformation, and change. It brings protection from negative energy and boosts ones connection with nature, allowing us to navigate through your inner-structures while still feeling grounded. Picasso Jasper provides a nurtured feeling that invites one to explore their soul, it supports through inner-struggles and asks you to accept yourself as the natural piece of art that you are. When we accept ourselves we also accept others. The relationship that we have with ourself and with others, is better understood with Picasso Jasper.

Picasso Jasper Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Security, Stability, Grounded, Safe, Calm, Self Respect, Self Worth, Acceptance, Loyalty, Trust.

Picasso Jasper Mental Healing (Keywords)

Self Discipline, Awareness, Adaptability, Understanding, Learning, Renewal.

Picasso Jasper Physical Healing (Keywords)

Eyes, Weight Loss, Sexual Enhancement, Recovery from Illness, Circulation, Digestion.


Rainforest Jasper: stone of gaia

Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus

Zodiac: Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius


Keywords: Earthly, Earth Healing, Protection, Self Respect, Love, Communication, Recovery.

Rainforest Jasper is the “Stone of Gaia.” This terrestrial gemstone brings a deeper connection with nature and strongly encourages Earth healing. It gives a deeper, heart based love for our Earth. 

Rainforest Jasper strengthens relationships and vibrates energy of happiness, joy and contentment. It aids in communication from the heart, and will attract people with the same type of energy. This earthly gemstone promotes a quiet, stable energy of universal love and self respect. 

Rainforest Jasper promotes self-esteem, creativity, emotional strength, communication, and a commitment to heal the Earth. It aids in recovery from past life karma, and is extremely beneficial for healing deep emotional wounds.

Rainforest Jasper Emotional Healing (Keywords)

Calms, Heart Space, Love, Kindness, Gratitude, Emotional Strength, Communication, Protection, Self-Esteem, Dignity.

Rainforest Jasper Mental Healing (Keywords)

Commitment, Creativity, Understanding, Acceptance, Awareness, Passion, Learning, Karma.

Rainforest Jasper Physical Healing (Keywords)

Hypoglycemia, Diabetes, Immune System, Kidneys, Liver, Colds, Muscle-toning, Rashes, Varicose Veins, Detox, Addictions


Other types of Jasper: Yellow Jasper; Dalmatian Jasper; Imperial Jasper; Mookaite Jasper; Bumblebee Jasper; Green Jasper; Blue Rain Jasper, Impression Jasper, Imperial Jasper.