Natural Healing Gems

White Howlite Gemstones for Crown Chakra Healing

gemstones for crown chakra healing
white howlite healing
white howlite tumbled stones

White Howlite Gemstones for Crown Chakra Healing


Activate the Crown Chakra with White Howlite. White Howlite encourages self-awareness and heightens the ability to notice signs from the universe such as coincidences and synchronicities. This natural white gemstone clears the mind of clutter and improves faith. Simply hold these healing gemstones as needed to receive Crown Chakra healing.

  • Natural tumbled gemstones

  • Information card

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Activate the Crown Chakra with White Howlite. White Howlite encourages self-awareness and heightens the ability to notice signs from the universe such as coincidences and synchronicities. This natural white gemstone clears the mind of clutter and improves faith. Simply hold these healing gemstones as needed to receive Crown Chakra healing.

  • Natural tumbled gemstones

  • Information card



Stone of Awareness

Chakras: Crown Chakra, All Chakras

White Howlite is a Stone of Awareness. These natural white gemstones encourage peace, harmony, insight, and spiritual alignment. Howlite brings a better understanding of self and heightens awareness. This natural stone eases the mind, allowing wisdom and different perspectives to be perceived. White Howlite is excellent for dream recall, memory retention, meditation, and soul searching.

Howlite encourages emotional expression and strengthens learning abilities. These soothing gems promote patience, tolerance, communication, and proper expression of unprocessed emotions. They help develop a connection with the higher-self.

Howlite is associated with Zodiac Signs: GeminiVirgo

Howlite Metaphysical Benefits:

Osteoporosis, Insomnia, Bones, Teeth, Cramps, Pain, Leg Cramps, Stress, Anxiety, Calcium Absorption, Rheumatism, Osteoporosis, Ulcers, Rashes, and Heart Problems.

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