- Bracelets
- Sapphire Impression Jasper Eye Bracelet for Protection (Small)
Sapphire Impression Jasper Eye Bracelet for Protection (Small)

Sapphire Impression Jasper Eye Bracelet for Protection (Small)
Protect yourself from negativity with this Sapphire Impression Jasper bracelet. This gemstone stretch bracelet is made with 8mm beads and has an “Evil Eye” charm to ward off bad vibes. Sapphire Impression Jasper builds confidence and stability, it encourages positive vibes and protects against negative energy that is directed toward you. Go about your day feeling calm, peaceful, and focused with this natural gemstone bracelet.
Natural gemstone stretch bracelet with Eye charm
Available in size 6” (small)
Protect yourself from negativity with this Sapphire Impression Jasper bracelet. This gemstone stretch bracelet is made with 8mm beads and has an “Evil Eye” charm to ward off bad vibes. Sapphire Impression Jasper builds confidence and stability, it encourages positive vibes and protects against negative energy that is directed toward you. Go about your day feeling calm, peaceful, and focused with this natural gemstone bracelet.
Natural gemstone stretch bracelet with Eye charm
Available in size 6” (small)
Stone of Encouragement
Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, and Throat
Impression Jasper healing brings peace, bonding, and encouragement. This gemstone provides unity and support for physical and emotional recovery. It absorbs negative energy and restores positivity, promotes yin/yang balance, and brings mind, body, and soul into alignment. Impression Jasper activates the need to help one another and to overcome despair. Many use this gemstone to find inner-peace and clarity, but it can also be used for reaching goals.
Impression Jasper is associated with Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Scorpio, Gemini
Impression Jasper Metaphysical Benefits:
Strengthen muscles and tissue; Heal bones and nervous system; Circulation; Detox; Anti-inflammatory; Digestion; Immune system; Recovery from illness; and protects against radiation.
Jaspers have a slow and steady energetic vibration. They come in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and patterns. They often look similar to places or animals. These gemstones ground and protect, they encourage honesty, unity, determination, and imagination. Jasper gemstones promote inner-strength, determination, and stability.