Natural Healing Gems

  • Bracelets
  • Opalite with Goldstone and Yellow Turquoise Nugget Bracelet for Hopes and Dreams (M/L)

Opalite with Goldstone and Yellow Turquoise Nugget Bracelet for Hopes and Dreams (M/L)

gemstone anchor bracelet large
gemstone bracelet for hopes and dreams
gemstone nugget bracelet

Opalite with Goldstone and Yellow Turquoise Nugget Bracelet for Hopes and Dreams (M/L)


Have hope and reach your dreams with this gemstone nugget bracelet. This gemstone healing bracelet is made with Opalite, Goldstone, and Yellow Turquoise. It has an anchor charm. Opalite sparks optimism, child-like wonder, and new beginnings. It clears the mind of negativity and initiates purpose. Goldstone’s sparkly surface activates ambition, drive, and success. It revitalizes and directs energy for reaching goals. Yellow Turquoise increases intuition, willpower, and creativity. This empowering gemstone boosts positivity and inspires harmony.

  • Gemstone stretch bracelet with anchor charm

  • Size 7.5” (M/L)

  • Handmade

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Have hope and reach your dreams with this gemstone nugget bracelet. This gemstone healing bracelet is made with Opalite, Goldstone, and Yellow Turquoise. It has an anchor charm. Opalite sparks optimism, child-like wonder, and new beginnings. It clears the mind of negativity and initiates purpose. Goldstone’s sparkly surface activates ambition, drive, and success. It revitalizes and directs energy for reaching goals. Yellow Turquoise increases intuition, willpower, and creativity. This empowering gemstone boosts positivity and inspires harmony.

  • Gemstone stretch bracelet with anchor charm

  • Size 7.5” (M/L)

  • Handmade



Stone of Transition

Chakras: Third Eye & Throat

*** Please note: Opalite is not a natural gemstone. It contains opalescent glass with opal stimulants.

Opalite healing signifies a gentle, fluid-like transition from one life-style to the next. This mystical stone reminds us that energy is constant and continuously flowing. It encourages natural transitions through acceptance, faith, and understanding. Wearing Opalite jewelry encourages the act of “going with the flow” of things. This is an excellent gemstone for meditation, lucid dreaming, visualization, and creativity.

Opalite strengthens communication, stimulates emotional balance, and enhances intuition. It brings peace, serenity, courage, and acceptance toward change. Release blocked energy and become inspired with Opalite.

Opalite heals by gently removing stagnant energy from the Chakras. It stabilizes mood swings, activates endurance and generates a healthy flow of physical, mental, and spiritual energy.

Opalite is associated with ZODIAC SIGN: Cancer


Stone of Ambition

Chakras: Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Root

*** This gem is made of gypsum and feldspar, with copper specks.

*** Goldstone does not form naturally, these glamorous stones are man-made.

Goldstone is an uplifting stone that reduces tension, enhances motivation, attracts positive energy, and encourages concentration and focus. Use Goldstone to gain riches, wealth, fame, and desired diplomacy. This gem raises self-esteem and increases self-worth, It helps you feel in control of your life and refills confidence.

Goldstone stabilizes emotions and brings guidance toward attaining goals. This gemstone brings protection from unwanted energies and creates space for personal growth. Goldstone gives a grounding and stabilizing effect. When you feel overwhelmed with emotions and clouded with negative thoughts, this vibrant stone will get you back on track.

Goldstone is associated with Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Goldstone Metaphysical Benefits:

Infections, Circulation, Arthritis, Blood Flow, Inflammation, Metabolism, Nervous System, and Bones.


Stone of Intuition and Creativity

Solar Plexus Chakra

Yellow Turquoise is not actually Turquoise, It get’s it’s name because of it’s resemblance. This healing stone is Jasper, Serpentine, and Hematite. Yellow Turquoise enhances intuition, creativity, and personal power. This is a stone of peace and harmony, it brings honesty in friendships and establishes positive vibes all around. This healing gem inspires gratitude and forgiveness. It will keep you feeling stable and grounded while exploring the possibilities in your environment.

With Yellow Turquoise you may notice an increase in compassion from yourself as well as others that are within it’s presence, it stimulates sensitivity, sympathy, and optimism.

Yellow Turquoise is associated with Zodiac Signs: Leo, Virgo, and Scorpio

Yellow Turquoise Metaphysical Benefits:

Boosts Immune System; Detoxes the body of toxins and impurities; Encourages Digestion; Calms stomach Issues; Protects Against Viruses; Improves the function of the Gallbladder, Liver, Kidneys, and Spleen.

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