April 2023 Monthly Astrology Forecast
What's happening astrologically in April? Here's your forecast...
4/3: Mercury enters Taurus. The planet of communication enters the sign of the bull. Our style of communication takes a more grounded, practical, and tender approach. This is a pleasant time to slow down and smell the flowers, it brings a renewed sense of appreciation for the finer things in life. The aspects surrounding this transit start off with a bit of disruption, but only so things can settle and progress.
4/5: Full moon at 16' Libra. This full moon brings a conclusion to something that began in September 2022. It brings promises of equality within relationships and the opportunity to realign ourselves so that greater equilibrium can be reached. It may also be a time to set yourself free, after realizing that what we thought was right for us was in fact just a stepping stone.
4/8: Mercury enters the shadow phase. As mercury prepares to retrograde it begins to hover over a particular area in the sky. This area is called the shadow phase. During the shadow phase it's very important to pay attention to the things that play out in our lives. This is where energy begins to stagnant, and instead of releasing it we are more prone to simmer on it. Whatever begins during the shadow phase is what will be unearthed during the retrograde, and eventually worked through as Mercury turns direct again.
4/10: Venus enters Gemini. Venus is the planet of love, money, attraction, beauty, and finances. When Venus enters Gemini our energy in these matters may become a bit fragmented. Curiosity grows stronger and we seem to connect with and/or become more attracted from an intellectual level. It's a wonderful time for socializing, but steer away from gossip.
4/19: New Moon at 29' Aries. This is the second new moon in Aries this year, which is rare. It's also bringing a Solar Eclipse with it. As both the Sun and Moon prepare to enter Taurus, a new style of courage and bravery come with it. We are called to accept independence, take risks, face our fears, and to finally follow the path that feels right for us.
4/20: Sun enters Taurus. The sun in Taurus brings opportunities to build something valuable. This is a fixed sign that prefers truth and persistence, even if it requires consistent effort. Taurus is grounded, wise, and down-to-earth. Tend to your senses this month and bask in nature when you can.
4/21: Mercury turns retrograde at 15' Taurus. Here it is, our first Mercury retrograde of the year. This retrograde is going to create some issues that require us to review finances, recreational activities, pleasures, and commitments. With all Mercury retrogrades, it's advised to become cautious about the actions we take and the things we say. Misunderstandings are predicted and people are taking things more personally as the energy to withdraw becomes stronger. Take your time with anything that requires a decision, and try to give yourself extra time when traveling.